Many people have been asking me to start writing here again, so I decided it was time to fill you in on some of my news. You may remember the special lookout Mum cut for me in the fence on the porch...I loved sticking my head through there and watching all the goings on out on the street.

When we moved to our new house, I was very disappointed to find out that there was no front porch, but then I discovered something MUCH better. There are two of these outside places and I can stick my head between the metal sticks any place I want. I can see the whole street and much further too, as we're way up high above the trees.

When it's wet, I can watch everything from the living room windows without ever getting up from my chair. There are windows all over and I don't even have to stand on anything to look out.
I think this house must have been designed by a dog.