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Nine Years On

We've just passed the nine year anniversary of Ruby going to the Rainbow Bridge. How have the years flown by so fast? The first ...

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Neighborhood Critters - Javelina

Originally uploaded by Peaqoud.
For those of you who don't live in the southwestern United States, this is what a javelina looks like.
They are actually a collared peccary, although some (and I'm not naming any names) call them pigs. A couple of dogs I know have been torn apart by their tusks, but it doesn't stop me from chasing them when I get the chance. Their stink can be picked up from a great distance. In fact, they smell so strong that my mum even has to hold her nose when they're trotting nearby. Something akin to rotting garbage and a human who hasn't been near a shower in a very long time. The babies are easy to scare, but sometimes the bigger ones turn tail and chase me back. Then dad gets very upset and makes me go on the leash. Last time that happened, he stopped taking me to the arroyo where the granddaddy of the javelinas lurks (dad told mum he was the size of a small horse!).

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