Mum has asked me to do her a favor and do a post that's not about me at all. She wants me to tell you all about her holistic veterinarian friend, Ella. Since I'm still a bit in the doghouse from scaring the socks off Mum and Dad
the other night, I agreed to do it. But after this, it's back to ME, ME ME, right?
Momo and Ella (Momo lived to age 17)
Ella's teaches people how to do hospice with their pets, and especially how to prepare for when it's time for us animal companions to leave. She offers a seminar called
Spirits in Transition that teaches people all about it. If you get a chance to go to one, please do, because I know this is such a hard thing for humans to go through. Anyway, at least go to her
website and have a look around.
This is a message Ella just sent out to everyone.
Hi, dear all-
As statistics can be helpful in creating a clearer image of the current situation, I would like to create a questionnaire to pass out and poll veterinarians at conferences by asking specific questions about their experience with euthanasia and hospice, how they feel their veterinary training prepared them for their jobs, what they feel the needs of their clients may be, what they would like to see happen in terms of education in the field of animal hospice, how important they feel the topic is overall, etc.
You may have a question or more that you may wonder about and wish you could ask to a whole group of veterinarians.
If so, please let me know what it is and I would gladly try integrating it into the poll. We will send out the results after evaluation, please be aware the entire project may take several months.
I am interested in including both, questions veterinary professionals as well as lay people may have to veterinarians and veterinary technicians.
Please feel free to forward this invitation.