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Nine Years On

We've just passed the nine year anniversary of Ruby going to the Rainbow Bridge. How have the years flown by so fast? The first ...

Monday, August 03, 2009

Water can be so overrated

There's nothing quite so relaxing as spending time in the shower. Especially when it's really hot outside.

Water? Did I hear someone ask where the water is?

That's what the creek's for, silly!

Here I am with my friend, Monty, enjoying a very relaxing morning at the creek.

Creek water. Now that's how water is supposed to smell. You can tell it's the right kind of water when we get back in the car afterwards and Mum says, "You dogs stink!"

Mum only says that when I smell really good.

Next up, I need to tell you about the adventure my friend Mamba had recently when she went missing for 10 days. Just to let you know, she wasn't wearing this costume when she went missing!


JacksDad said...

I love 'To Be Continued!' :)

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Uh oh...I hope that you don't get that water in the shower turned on after that dip in the creek!!!

Can' wait to hear about your friend's adventures!


Liffey said...

Hey, I have a friend called Monty too- he looks like your friend but is brown. MAybe they is long lost relatives!!

WIsh my mum thought water was for the creek- sigh- I keep getting ishowered!

Liffey's licks to oyou

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Love the pics!!! Mom says I stink too when I get out of the lake!!! Can't wait to hear what happened to your friend!!

lotsa licks,

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

You look quite cool in the shower. Smart Pooch you are!
That photo of Mamba is so silly.

I LOVEd the matching hat that Mamba had on. Where did she get it
WelshieHugs, Hootie

Ruby's Mum said...

I think it's from a pet store in Camp Verde called The Golden Bone http://yhst-15268535761633.stores.yahoo.net/