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Nine Years On

We've just passed the nine year anniversary of Ruby going to the Rainbow Bridge. How have the years flown by so fast? The first ...

Sunday, November 07, 2010

The staples are gone!

Before I forget, I'm supposed to tell you that the results of my biopsy were good - just a fibrous cyst. All okay there, but it seems my body needs a lump in that place because I grew another one almost immediately. We couldn't tell if it was just the staples bunching up my head, but when I had them out last week, there it was, a brand new lump to replace the old one. Oh well. I seem to be a bit of a lumpy girl.

Mum says we're not going to worry about it, unless it starts bothering me, or gets bigger. To help my head heal, I've been getting some energy medicine treatments from Mum. See the special staircase I've got to help me up onto the treatment table? Actually, Dad was supposed to be getting a treatment here. I was just keeping the table warm for him.

Mum had a friend visiting this week, so we had to take her to one of our favorite places at the creek. She takes a lot of photos, so for once, there are some with me and Mum in them together.

Can you spot what is in this photo above?

These are my paw prints when I got out of the water.

Before I was allowed in the water, Mum called me over and gave me "the talk".

It's hard to listen when you just want to get to the water, but I did my best.

I had to promise I wasn't going to go near any stinky critters, and that I would come back as soon as Mum called me.

I managed to keep one of the promises. We didn't have to call Dad to come and take me home in his car.


How Sam Sees It said...

I swear I see a dog in the middle of that rock, and maybe a pony a little bit higher? We are glad to hear the lump is nothing worrisome. Go enjoy your water, but remember - we like lots of pictures!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Thanks fur sharing the pawesome news about the orginal lump!

I'm glad woo listened to your mum!


JacksDad said...

Oh no. I'm glad you didn't find any skunks on your outing. Or snakes!!

KT and Easton said...

Lady is lumpy too. She does just fine. My last male dog Devo LOVED Oak Creek. I will post a picture soon of him sitting on his rock in the creek.

I see a spider web and a silhouette of Dr. John in that rock!!

joanne fox said...

I'm so glad the lump didn't turn out too nasty. Love that staircase!

Ruby's Mum said...

I totally missed Dr John! Did you see the gold dog in the top right?

Wrigley said...

I get "the talks" all the time - I know how hard it is to listen. The water looks like a lot of fun!

Wags N Kisses,

Rick said...

You look quite at home on the table. How kind of you to keep it warm.

Glad your lump was nothing serious.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Glad you're okay. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and Christmas. No smelly critters for either occasion, we hope.

Teesha and Bindie said...

Ailsa got so many lumps she got bumps on her lumps. I got a couple to. glad yours was Ok

123 said...

You are such a gorgeous pup! I hope the lump turns out to be nothing serious. I am following you from The Doggy Blogger. Hope to see you on my site. Woof!

LailaSmith01 said...

Great outdoor picture...The 3rd picture makes me think...but I spot it...it is an image of a dog in the wall rock..I love all your pictures they are so cute...^_^

dog pens

Nadia said...

I saw some kind of animal, maybe a dog on the top right. And I also saw a spider web. I am glad that your lump turned out fine!